business plan and feasibility study

Are you exploring multiple scenarios or versions of an idea or venture to determine the most successful business model? Do you need a study that highlights gaps and opportunities in your planning? Have you already developed a feasible business model and now need to write a solid business plan to secure funding?

Feasibility studies and business plans serve different purposes. A feasibility study provides an exploration to determine which business model or scenario produces the most viable and successful business venture. A feasibility study may include research and analysis of several methods or alternatives to achieving success that will be vetted and narrowed down to a few that appear to be the most viable. These will be additionally vetted through facilitated discussions, testing or piloting to produce the best scenario that will serve as the basis for the business plan or if analysis of the scenarios proves the venture to not be feasible, other alternatives may be explored or the idea is dropped.

A business plan serves more of a planning function after a feasibility study has been completed and a successful business model determined. It outlines the actions needed to translate the business venture from an idea into implementation.

Good Company's work on feasibility studies followed by a business plan has added focus to projects and outlined more successful alternatives. Our feasibility reports either identify reasons not to proceed or enhance the probability of success by addressing and mitigating factors early on that may affect project success. Good Company's translation of feasibility studies into a business plan has helped secure funding from lending institutions, equity investment and other monetary sources.

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